interior-painting-ottawaWorking directly with an interior design professional can help you achieve the look and feel of personal spaces that reflect your personality and lifestyle.  Whether you are working on a single room or the entire home, or just looking for some new accents to enhance your current furniture, interior designers are the people to see for the experience to create the feeling you desire.

If painting is high on your priority list, a designer is the expert on color trends and emerging styles.  They can customize your home within your budget constraints and specifications.  As you spend more personal time in your home, this private space should reflect your character and individuality.  Color and accessories mirror your interests and persona and will present remarkable details of your personality.

Today one of the hottest themes is the use of soft colored paints on large surfaces.  Light greens and blues, citrus yellows, and pale pinks and lilacs cover walls and ceilings.  Accents of more vivid, sharper hues like reddish-pink and brown-purple are used to impress.  Wallpapers and fabrics will continue the theme and liven each room.

Your paint supplier will work with you and/or your interior designer to make your home reflect your vision.  Experienced painters can create your personal projection that is unique and beautiful.  They can help select colors that will harmonize from room to room and suggest finishes that will include specific looks or textures.

Professionals will help you select the best products for each phase of the project and remain within the established budget.